Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Infantile Reflex....

I just recently learned about these infantile reflexes....very strange. If you want to experiment with your newborn (who doesn't!) then try these out:

Moro reflex:
If a baby senses that is falling backwards, it will throw out its arms and wave them around

Even though they can't support their weight, they will try to 'walk' if you hold them lightly on their feet

I had heard of this one before. If you put somehting (say a bottle) on their cheek they will turn towards it.

Tonic Neck:
If you lay a baby down, and turn their head to the side the arm on that side will straighten out, and the other arm will bend.

There are others, but not as interesting imho

Also youtube had lots of these videos, but the embed links aren't working for some reason...

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