Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Weird CSP Error

If you get this error
"an unexpected error (0x80090020) occurred while getting the CSP list"
chances are you have a bogus reg entry (probably blank).

Go here:

Check each key, shouldn't be empty. If there is no empty ones, check to make sure the DLL's referenced still exist.


Ruddy said...

Can you tell me how l check to see whether the referenced still exists for the DLL files?

Mad Chef said...

They should have a fully qualified path in the "Image Path" entry.

If it's just the DLL name, check yoru system32 directory.

kiroc said...

Do you know of any Microsoft articles that have been written on the subject? Your blog entry is the only thing I have found about this issue so far.

FYI, the Image Path key doesn't need a full path. The cryptography subsystem assumes C:\windows\system32 as the default path for these entries. For example, all the test machines I have put together that have Windows XP SP2 use "rsaenh.dll" as the Image Path for the main cryptography provider (Microsoft Enhanced Cryptography Provider v1.0). This file exists in C:\windows\system32.

Mad Chef said...

No Microsoft articles that I am aware of.